duo show with Kato Six
DWG Art Space, Antwerpen, Belgium
2B Gallery, Budapest
with Böröcz András, Ember Sári, Kósa Gergely, Rácmolnár Sándor, Roskó Gábor,
Roskó Beáta, Schuller Judit Flóra, Szemző Zsófia, Wechter Ákos
Seven heads (black), 2019, granite, 53×79 cm
The just now unused double mask, which can serve as a disguise for a smaller community, a family.
Its views from the two sides, the one from the point of view of the supposed user, and the one from
the viewer are different. Faces looking in two directions complement the pierced head as a shadow.
The object’s material, granite, intends to act as a monument and at the same time to set the time
of human stories and history into a different scale.
contemporary art festival organized by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art
The taste of distance, 2-channel video installation, 2013-17, 45 min
Various marble and granite masks
Sári Ember’s video work focuses on a group of people within the Hungarian colony of São Paulo. The members of the community immigrated to Brazil in the 1940s and 1950s as children with their parents, due to different political and economic reasons. While she was in Brazil, the artist began to document the spontaneous singings and recitings of the group during their gatherings. From this continuous “Hungarian performance” came the idea that the members of the community present a Hungarian poem, folk song in front of the camera. The work is not a documentary: the poems, the songs and the gestures talk instead about what home, homesickness, absence means to them. In the works that they chose and in their performances the constant burden of being in emigration and the probably consequently so strong community bond are simultaneously visible.
The starting point for the second part of the exhibition is Sári Ember’s long-standing experimentation with the genre of the portrait. One can see hybrid, anthropomorphic works: stone masks and heads of various sizes, which tackle the issues of how constant or adaptive is our identity and raises question about roles that we take on in our daily lives by shifting our “masks”. This question is closely connected to the immigrant community’s double identity as well.
Flóra Gadó
Galleria Doris Ghetta, Val Gardena
curated by Adam Budak and Sabine Gamper
participating artists: Alketa Ramaj, Barbara Gamper, Pakui Hardware,
Sári Ember, Ursula Mayer, Valentýna Janů.
Exhibition of the nominated artists in Ludwig Museum Budapest
Zsolt Asztalos, Sári Ember, Krisztina Erdei, Áron Kútvölgyi-Szabó,
Zsolt Molnár, Kata Tranker
Love, glory and death are the three reasons for making portraits, according to Jean-Luc Nancy. In the series of marble, ceramics and textile works presented here I reduce the shapes of the face to its limits of recognition, led by my interest in the classical genre of portraiture. Working with materials with a strong symbolic value, and quoting forms from a big variety of references, I use the narrative capacity of constellations of objects. The installation offers interpretations of parallel stories of memories, traditions, and rituals. Starting from personal and collective stories, the works aim to raise questions on our dependence on roles, idols and objects of the past.
A szeretet, a dicsőség és a halál a portré alkotás három indítéka Jean-Luc Nancy szerint. Az itt bemutatott márvány-, kerámia- és textilművek esetében a porté műfaja iránti érdeklődésemtől vezérelve az arc formáit a felismerhetetlenség határáig redukálom.Szimbolikus jelentőségű anyagokat használva és számos különböző forrásból származó formákat idézve, tárgyegyüttesek történetmesélő képességét használom. Az installáció emlékek, hagyományok és rítusok párhuzamos történeteinek értelmezéseit kínálja. Személyes és kollektív történetekből kiindulva a művek szerepekről, idolokról és a múlt tárgyaitól való függőségünkről vet fel kérdéseket.
Outdoor installation for Herbstgold Festival
Esterházy Castle Eisenstadt
curated by Vitus Weh
photo 1,2: Alfredo Barsuglia, 2019
CINKOS / KOMPLIZ*IN: Sári Ember + Ralo Mayer
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
curated by Barbara Horvath
duo show with Tereza Příhodová Štetinová
Slovak Mining Museum – Jozef Kollár Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
curated by Mária Janušová
photos: Ján Kekeli